After that, you may find yourself expecting again right away, perhaps in the first menstrual cycle after your pregnancy loss. or you may find it takes several cycles to get pregnant again. although it can be frustrating when you are eager to be pregnant, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you if it does take a few months for it to happen.. Pregnant first cycle after miscarriage? jenniesue member. june 2011 in pregnant after a loss. i got pregnant after the first cycle after my m/c. i used opk tests to find out when i was ovulating and did temps until my first period arrived. my cycles were much shorter than they used to be. the first cycle back i didn't get any good. 5 facts about period after miscarriage 1. your miscarriage may not have been a miscarriage. w as it a miscarriage or period? many women who are trying to get pregnant have a hard time telling the difference between the two..
I had a miscarriage on september 21. i just got my period on the october 22. when i went for my follow up a week after the miscarriage my doctor said the first one would be heavier than normal (which it was) and that it would take around a month.. Getting pregnant after miscarriage before first period. last updated on june 29th, 2016. it is natural to want to get pregnant immediately after a miscarriage so as to temper the grief you are feeling after suffering from such a devastating event.. After my first miscarriage it took two cycles to fall pregnant again but i waited until after the first cycle to try. unfortunately i lost that one too. i then fell pregnant again after waiting one cycle and now my very healthy and happy little girl is 3 weeks away from turning one lucy.